Tag: best practices

Webinar Wrap-Up: Taking a Thoughtful Approach to Career Transitions

By on Thursday, October 28, 2021

Last week, Andrew Rand and David Ringwood offered a webinar that took us through three key things to consider when making a career transition. Given the tight labor market – and the pressure people may be feeling to go where the grass is greener – it’s certainly a timely topic. Miss the broadcast? Fear not! […]

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Barriers to Shared Leadership: A Closer Look at the Research

By on Monday, October 18, 2021

There are plenty of reasons that you’ve heard us beat the Shared Leadership drum over and over again: at this moment in time, it just makes sense. Organizational needs are increasingly complex. Leaders are under pressure to meet a broader array of expectations. And in many cases, organizations are recognizing that they cannot overburden leaders […]

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Webinar Wrap-Up: Breaking Down the Barriers to Shared Leadership

By on Monday, September 20, 2021

In the last 18 months, many people’s working worlds have been turned upside down. Through challenges and disruptions large and small, one thing has become clear: in work, as in life, we’re much better when we work together. In fact, demands on leaders have been increasing for decades, as we have expected leaders to develop […]

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Nobody Likes Empty Shelves

By on Thursday, July 22, 2021

When I now think of consumer packaged goods organizations, I think of all the empty shelves in March of 2020 when the world…well…ground to a halt. It’s amazing what you take for granted and sometimes it takes that thing no longer being available for you to recognize your reliance upon it. Admit it, we all […]

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Are you coaching a Job Jumper?

By on Thursday, July 8, 2021

There are plenty of great reasons for people to keep their eyes open for new opportunities. In the current job market – where there are ample openings, particularly in certain industries – it can be especially tempting to start seeing greener grass everywhere you look. With the recent increase in remote work opportunities, workers may […]

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Off the Rails: 4 Types of Leaders at Risk of Going off Track

By on Wednesday, April 14, 2021

“There is no single ‘right’ way to lead.” If you’ve worked with MRG, you may have heard an expression like this before. Over nearly four decades in the field of leadership assessment, a cornerstone of the MRG philosophy has been embracing diverse approaches to leadership. Different contexts – organizations, roles, challenges – may call for […]

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Supply Chain Leader: a Complex Role Requiring a Calm Demeanor

By on Thursday, April 8, 2021

Supply chain leaders play a key role in ensuring an organization’s revenue and success. From helping to secure the right suppliers to ensuring efficient distribution (and every step in between), supply chain leaders are involved in many different areas of an organization. MRG recently conducted a study to identify the leadership behaviors that are most […]

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Conflict Resolution: Navigating Tricky Motivational Combinations

By on Saturday, April 3, 2021

Motivation plays a major role in the way we approach the world – and often, in the way we approach others. Not only do our motivations influence our own actions, they also color the way we interpret the actions of others. And when certain combinations collide, it can lead to conflict. While people’s strongest motivations […]

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