When you’re working with a client who is new to assessments, you may find yourself dealing with an understandable – but erroneous – reaction: celebrating high scores and lamenting low scores. And while years of academic test-taking may have trained us to associate high scores with success and low scores with failure, in the case of a descriptive assessment like the IDI, that’s simply not the case.
The IDI reflects your motivations – what drives you, and what drains you. There are no “right” or “wrong” ways to be motivated. Thus, there should be no shame and no arrogance when looking at your IDI, no matter where your scores fall.
So, does that mean we should just disregard tail-end scores? Far from it. The goal of the IDI is to create self-awareness – to draw out a deeper understanding of our own emotional patterns, reactions, and biases. And a person’s more extreme scores – scores 85 or higher, or 15 or lower – are likely to play a key role in driving some of those patterns.
That doesn’t make those scores bad, but it may make them worthy of a little extra attention as you seek to foster a deeper level of self-awareness. In this video, MRG President Tricia Naddaff explains how people may see very high or very low energy manifest in everyday life – and how to work with the people you coach to manage the impact of these highs and lows.
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