Recognizing opportunity and change

I used to think I lacked the ability that allowed me to recognize when opportunity existed. Even worse, I thought I lacked the ability to adapt to change. You would often hear me say that I wasn’t creative, instead I preferred stability and the status quo. I’m unsure as to what exactly it is that changed for me (I’m sure my children have something to do with it!), but as I progressed in age I started to shed these labels. I find myself enjoying the process of looking for opportunity and being comfortable with change. At times, I find myself even pushing for it.

Recently, I’ve been trying to fundamentally understand MRG’s customer base to understand what is needed now and in the future. Not wanting to lose the forest for the trees, I am also grappling with the broader question of the future of assessments, how technology plays a role, and where the opportunity exists in our line of work. At the same time that I am trying to get a handle on all of these questions, MRG has been conducting research on what leadership behaviors are prioritized for individuals who are viewed as effective at identifying opportunities and initiating change. I feel this research was driven in large part by the “change rhetoric” that surrounds organizations these days. I’m sure many of you are growing tired of the change conversation, but it does seem the new normal incorporates more consistent change and the need for adaptability.

As I venture down the winding and unmarked path of where the future of assessments reside, I’m comparing the behaviors I feel I’m prioritizing to the set we discovered in our research. Some of them certainly look familiar, while others not so much. Of course, we haven’t yet determined if I’ve effectively identified even one opportunity!

Click here if you’re interested in learning about the full set of leadership behaviors that are prioritized when someone is viewed as effectively identifying opportunity and initiating change.

About the author

Drew is MRG's resident I/O psychologist. When not at MRG, he's either with his family (most likely) or in his workshop (less likely). His stack of unread books is commendable.

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