Category: Research Insights

Webinar Wrap-Up: Coaching for Confidence

By on Tuesday June 18, 2024

Eager for answers? Jump straight to the Q&A. If you find the leaders you’re coaching are experiencing a confidence crisis, we can hardly consider it surprising. Individuals at all levels of working life are navigating a landscape fraught with challenges and uncertainty – both at work and in the world at large. It’s no wonder […]

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Webinar Wrap-Up: Coaching for Compassion

By on Monday January 29, 2024

Eager for answers? Jump straight to the Q&A. Compassion in the workplace: it seems it is just as important as it is elusive. And while many leaders might like to think they are bringing a compassionate approach to their work, they may be overestimating how clearly that presents itself. In fact, only 2% of respondents […]

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Webinar Wrap-Up: Coaching for an Evolving Leadership Landscape

By on Monday September 25, 2023

Looking for answers? Jump to the expert Q&A. In the wake of the global pandemic that reshaped so much of our world, leadership has found itself at a crossroads. The challenges brought about by COVID-19 have not only altered the way we work but have also transformed the expectations we have from our leaders. It’s […]

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Webinar Wrap-Up: Coaching Leaders to Go to the Next Level

By on Thursday June 22, 2023

Eager for answers? Jump straight to the Q&A. When individuals set their professional goals, earning a promotion (or series of promotions) is often high on the list. As a coach, you may be helping leaders drive toward a specific role, or more generally develop their skills in the hopes of eventually ascending to the c-suite. […]

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Webinar Wrap-Up: How the Pandemic Changed Leadership, Leaders who Excel at Developing Others, Leadership Expectations and More

By on Friday March 3, 2023

When you work as a coach – or in any role developing people – the individual is at the heart of everything you do. Each person you coach is unique, and their personal history, role, behaviors, motivations, and goals for the future all influence their developmental path. So where does research – studies that look […]

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Webinar Wrap-Up: Research Roundup

By on Friday February 11, 2022

“’Research’” is our middle name!” If you’ve tuned into a research presentation with Maria Brown, MRG’s Head of Research, you’ve probably heard this (lightly corny) little one-liner. But the truth is, we mean it – while it’s literally our middle name, it’s also the foundation of what we do. Rigorous research is what our assessments […]

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Motivation and Leadership: What Drives Effective Leaders?

By on Friday December 3, 2021

What drives you? What drains you? Be honest; when is the last time you stopped to consider the answers to those questions? While the forces of motivation play a significant role in how you approach the world, they are often overlooked. Many leaders get focused on what they’re good at or what they struggle with, […]

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Barriers to Shared Leadership: A Closer Look at the Research

By on Monday October 18, 2021

There are plenty of reasons that you’ve heard us beat the Shared Leadership drum over and over again: at this moment in time, it just makes sense. Organizational needs are increasingly complex. Leaders are under pressure to meet a broader array of expectations. And in many cases, organizations are recognizing that they cannot overburden leaders […]

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