Inspired to Run Faster: Reflections on the Global Assessment Summit

We all run faster during a 5k race than when we’re jogging around the block on our own. Why is that? Well, having to run alongside other people provides a healthy dose of competitive energy. I recently attended the Global Assessment Summit in Tulsa and, while I enjoyed the camaraderie, sharing of ideas and overall supportive environment, the one take-away that took me by surprise was a desire to run faster than those around me. Even more surprising, I wasn’t the only one who was feeling a healthy amount of competitive energy by the end of the summit. Many of my colleagues admitted to having similar feelings.

For an entire day, a group of mostly psychologists in the assessment business got together to discuss concerns, best practices and the future of our industry. It was easy to set competition and philosophical differences aside to focus on our common goal: helping people be the best they can be. It was reassuring to learn that we all encounter similar issues and have similar needs. We also have a shared desire to understand where the industry is going and what role we will play in that future. In fact, we spent ample time discussing future trends and potential disruptors. One theme that came up throughout the summit was the use of AI in our field. AI will continue to play a role in improving our ability to predict fit, performance, and success. To ensure their own longevity, organizations like ours need to identify how to best employ AI’s potential in their segment of the assessment world. In all, I left the summit with many ideas, new solutions to explore and, of course, a renewed drive to run to the finish line.

Where do you find your healthy dose of competitive energy? How much competition is healthy? Let us know what you think.

About the author

Maria is Head of Research at MRG. She loves a challenge and often gets a little too excited about running new studies. She finds peace and balance by cooking (as long as her husband is doing the cleaning) or being anywhere near the ocean.

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