Tag: effective leaders

Webinar Wrap-Up: Coaching for Confidence

By on Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Eager for answers? Jump straight to the Q&A. If you find the leaders you’re coaching are experiencing a confidence crisis, we can hardly consider it surprising. Individuals at all levels of working life are navigating a landscape fraught with challenges and uncertainty – both at work and in the world at large. It’s no wonder […]

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Webinar Wrap-Up: Coaching for Compassion

By on Monday, January 29, 2024

Eager for answers? Jump straight to the Q&A. Compassion in the workplace: it seems it is just as important as it is elusive. And while many leaders might like to think they are bringing a compassionate approach to their work, they may be overestimating how clearly that presents itself. In fact, only 2% of respondents […]

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Webinar Wrap-Up: Coaching for an Evolving Leadership Landscape

By on Monday, September 25, 2023

Looking for answers? Jump to the expert Q&A. In the wake of the global pandemic that reshaped so much of our world, leadership has found itself at a crossroads. The challenges brought about by COVID-19 have not only altered the way we work but have also transformed the expectations we have from our leaders. It’s […]

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Webinar Wrap-Up: Harnessing the Power of Assessments in Coaching

By on Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Coaching can have a powerful impact on an individual, no matter where they are in their career. And leveraging assessments as part of coaching can have some great benefits. It can also come with a few risks. In fact, when we polled attendees of a recent webinar about the unfortunate assessment experiences they had, 78% […]

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Webinar Wrap-Up: Research Roundup

By on Friday, February 11, 2022

“’Research’” is our middle name!” If you’ve tuned into a research presentation with Maria Brown, MRG’s Head of Research, you’ve probably heard this (lightly corny) little one-liner. But the truth is, we mean it – while it’s literally our middle name, it’s also the foundation of what we do. Rigorous research is what our assessments […]

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Motivation and Leadership: What Drives Effective Leaders?

By on Friday, December 3, 2021

What drives you? What drains you? Be honest; when is the last time you stopped to consider the answers to those questions? While the forces of motivation play a significant role in how you approach the world, they are often overlooked. Many leaders get focused on what they’re good at or what they struggle with, […]

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Webinar Wrap-Up: Coaching Leaders to Go to the Next Level

By on Tuesday, November 16, 2021

We are in a moment of unprecedented upheaval in the job market. In many organizations, there’s pressure to pay extra attention to retain and develop current staff – particularly those promising high potentials – to ensure that there’s a sufficient pool of talent prepared to step up when senior positions open. It’s a smart plan […]

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Webinar Wrap-Up: Taking a Thoughtful Approach to Career Transitions

By on Thursday, October 28, 2021

Last week, Andrew Rand and David Ringwood offered a webinar that took us through three key things to consider when making a career transition. Given the tight labor market – and the pressure people may be feeling to go where the grass is greener – it’s certainly a timely topic. Miss the broadcast? Fear not! […]

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