Staci loves talking to people, so it's no wonder she leads the client relationship focus at MRG as the Chief Sales & Solutions Officer. When she's away from MRG, you're likely to find her on the beach (with her dogs) or indulging in the phenomenal food scene in Portland.

My Executive Coaching Journey

By on Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Having worked at MRG for more than a decade, I’ve had many opportunities to witness the powerful impact of coaching and leadership development on the people we work with. When I found myself navigating a number of professional changes earlier this year, it became clear I’d found the perfect time to leverage coaching for my […]

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A Shared Experience: Why Women’s Leadership Programs Still Matter

By on Thursday, January 16, 2020

“Are leadership development programs specifically for women really necessary? It’s 2020!” Yes, believe it or not, this is an objection some of our coaches have heard and had to overcome. While to me the answer feels obvious, it never hurts (too much) to step back and make a good faith effort to answer the question […]

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Inspiring Excitement in a Global Sales Force

By on Monday, January 28, 2019

This month, MRG hit the road for a three-week stretch of engagements that kicked off in Rome with one of our newest clients. The event was the annual sales kick-off meeting of a large shared office space company with locations around the globe. We were able to sit in on the first day’s session, led […]

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