Tag: inclusion

Webinar Wrap-Up: Research Roundup

By on Friday, February 11, 2022

“’Research’” is our middle name!” If you’ve tuned into a research presentation with Maria Brown, MRG’s Head of Research, you’ve probably heard this (lightly corny) little one-liner. But the truth is, we mean it – while it’s literally our middle name, it’s also the foundation of what we do. Rigorous research is what our assessments […]

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What do inclusive leaders do differently?

By on Thursday, March 21, 2019

There are several ongoing research projects at MRG. One project that I really enjoy working on is our series on leadership best practices. Not only do we search for insights that will help leaders increase their effectiveness, but we can identify the nuances of effective leadership by exploring best practices for specific groups, industries and […]

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